If you are a regular visitor or are thinking of coming to see us for the first time, we hope that this website provides you with all the information you need about local attractions, facilities and local services to enable you to enjoy your stay.
Other sources of local information include:
Details of our village hall at its own website at https://astoncantlowvillagehall.co.uk/
The Aston Cantlow Social Club website at https://www.astoncantlowclub.co.uk/
The Parish Council website at https://www.astoncantlowparish.gov.uk/
Use the navigation tabs or the search box on the header to find out everything you ever wanted to know about this beautiful parish.
If you find any errors or omissions, please use the contact us page and select send to “webmaster -for errors” to let us know so that we can correct them.
This site is managed by the Aston Cantlow community, for use by the wider community, with much appreciated initial funding support from the Big Lottery Fund. Please see the About page for details of our Privacy Policy, Legal Disclaimers and Copyright issues.