Clerk – Liz Butterworth
Liz is clerk to the Parish Council and so looks after much of the Council correspondence, plus ensuring that Meeting Agendas and minutes are produced and made available as required. Contact:; Tel. 01789 268998
Aston Cantlow Parish Councillors
Cllr Kevin Haycock
Cllr Jon Peacey
Cllr Corinne Edwards – all correspondence/communications through the Clerk
Cllr Robert Mason
Cllr Peter Walters – all correspondence/communications through the Clerk
Cllr Melanie Hudson – all correspondence/communications through the Clerk
The Councillors can also be contacted via the clerk Liz Butterworth
Thom Holmes – District Councillor for Aston Cantlow (Kinwarton Ward)
Justin Anthony Lee Kerridge – County Councillor Studley Division
3 Reinswood Court,
Sambourne Lane,
Sambourne, B96 6PE
Your local MP
Your Liberal MP is Manuela Perteghella
Councillors Register of Interests
If you would like to see the register of interests for our Parish Councillors, click on this link then click on the relevant Councillor. Within their details click on the Register of Interests link and you will be taken to the relevant entry on the Stratford District Council website.